Gary Nock, one of the partners of Cullens, had a visit to our firm Cenfo on Wednesday November 11. We have kept a long and friendly cooperation in the past years and will continue to maintain the stable relations in the future. Cullens, founded in 1936, has a history nearly a century. In the most recent review by the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia, Cullens is proud to have been ranked at No. 3 in the number of Australian patent applications filed for Australian clients. The ranking is one of the reasons why we would like to cooperate with Cullens for a long term in the past years.
In the past few years, we have entrusted Cullens many cases and with our rapid and punctual application procedures of the staffs and expertise of the attorneys, we were entrusted a number of cases by Cullens as well.
Mr. Hu, the general manager of Cenfo, and Ms. Huang, the supervisor of the International Department of Cenfo, extended the meeting, during the meeting, Mr. Hu and Mr. Nock had a pleasant talk on business and further cooperation in the near future. Moreover, Ms. Huang consulted Mr. Nock about the regulations and the procedures of patent applications in New Zealand. Mr. Nock explained in details, therefore we have a new recognition of the rules enter into New Zealand. During the meeting, both of us learnt a lot. And both of us firmly believe we will have a better cooperation relationship in the near future.
In the end Mr. Nock, Mr. Hu and Ms. Huang had taken a group photo.